A non-canonical journal, filled with the story of the bravery and heroics of Noble Squad. This final entry follows Noble Six before his death at the hands of the Covenant horde.
I am the last man on this planet. I watched the last evac ship leave. As soon as it docked with the cruiser, I abandoned my post and retreated to this cave. I have very little ammunition left, but I am not concerned. There will be plenty of weapons to find on the corpses of my enemies.
I know it’s likely I won’t live out the day. Their numbers are too great and, soon, even this cave will no longer be safe to hide in. They will overrun this planet and burn it to the ground. But I will not fall without taking scores of them with me. I may only be one man, but I am no mere recruit.
I do not fear death. My only fear is that my death, and those of my squadmates, will have been in vain. One by one they fell, trying to defend this planet. We sacrificed everything to deliver that package. I hope it was worth it. I hope it can change the tide of this war, give humanity a fighting chance.
The only thing I can do to help, now, is take down as many of the enemy as possible. Every kill is one less enemy to attack Earth. I can hear the whir of their scout ships flying past. The time for hiding is over. I will attach a small signal beacon to this journal. Everything is written here, except for my own death.
I hope one day we will be remembered; not as heroes, but as SPARTANs.
Freaking awesome! They need to hire you to write Noble Six's story.